August 29, 2009

Zeca Schall alindwa na polisi

Zeca Schall

Homa ya uchaguzi nchini Ujerumani inazidi, huku uchaguzi wa mikoa ukitarajiwa kufanyika katika mikoa mitatu ya Ujerumani Jumapili ijayo. Mgombea wa chama cha Christian Democratic Unioni, CDU, katika jimbo la Thuringia, Zeca Schall, ambaye ni mzaliwa wa Angola, analindwa na polisi kufuatia vitisho vilivyotolewa dhidi yake na chama cha kihafidhina cha National Democratic, NDP.

Picha za mgombea wa chama cha Christian Democratic Union, CDU, katika jimbo la Thuringia, Zeca Schall, zimekuwa zikionekana kwenye mabango katika mkoa huo wa mashariki mwa Ujerumani. Picha ya Zeca ambaye ni mzaliwa wa Angola, akiwa katikati ya Wajerumani weupe inadhihirisha kwamba sasa jamii ya Ujerumani imechanganyika na wageni.

Lakini kuna upinzani kutoka kwa baadhi ya Wajerumani. Chama cha National Democratic Party, NPD, hapa Ujerumani kimekataa kata kata kumkubali Zeca Schall, raia wa Angola, asigombee katika uchaguzi wa mkoa wa Thuringia Jumapili ijayo. Chama hicho kimemtaka Zeca arudi kwao, hatua ambayo imezusha hisia mbalimbali kote nchini Ujerumani na kufanya mwanasiasa huyo kuwekewa ulinzi wa polisi.

Tangu mwaka wa 1993, Andreas Minschke, amekuwa akiandaa kampeni za uchaguzi za chama cha Christian Democratic Union, CDU, katika jimbo la Thuringia, lakini bado hajawahi kupata uzoefu wa aina hii. Kwani rafiki yake, Zeca Schall, ambaye alizaliwa nchini Angola na ambaye alihamia hapa Ujerumani miaka 20 iliyopita, amekuwa akipigwa vita na chama cha kihafidhina cha National Democratic Party, NPD. Chama hicho kimekuwa kikimuita Zeca kuwa niga wa chama cha Christian Democratic Union, CDU, na hivyo kimekuwa kikimtumia kufanya kampeni ya kuwafukuza wageni.

Andreas Minschke anasema, "Kama chama cha NPD kinataka kumhimiza mtu aende nyumbani, huo si mualiko wa chakula cha jioni, bali tayari ni shinikizo. Tumeomba vibali vya kumkamata mtu yeyote atakayemtishia maisha yake na tayari ulinzi wa polisi upo kwa ajili yake."

Zeca Schall ni mmoja kati ya watu ambao wamekuwa wakisadia katika kampeni za uchaguzi wa mikoa za chama cha Christian Democratic Union, CDU. Amekuwa mtu mashuhuri kutokana na kwamba picha yake imechapishwa kwenye bango kubwa la mgombea wa wadhifa wa juu jimboni humo na ambaye ni waziri mkuu wa jimbo la Thuringia, Dieter Althaus, akiwa katikati ya watu wengine wawili wa Thuringia wenye nyuso za kutabasamu. Zeca Schall pia amekuwa akifanya kazi katika ofisi inayohusika na maswala ya maingiliano ya kijamii katika jimbo hilo la Thuringia.

Tangu mwaka 1988 amekuwa akiishi Hildburghausen, mji mdogo ulioko kusini mwa jimbo la Thuringia. Huko ndiko alikokita mizizi na ni mwanachama huria wa zima-moto mjini humo. Kwa miaka mitano, tangu alipopata uraia wa Ujerumani, Zeca, amekuwa mwanachama wa chama cha Christian Democratic Union, CDU.

Hatua ya chama cha kihafidhina cha National Democratic, NPD, kumshambulia Zeca Schall, inaudhi na haikubaliki, anasema bwana Thomas Müller mbunge cha chama cha CDU kutoka mjini Hildburghausen.

"Hilo ni jambo la kukasirisha sana. Lakini kwa upande mwingine nadhani kwa raia wanaotaka kujifunza kutokana na swala hili, ni ishara ya wazi kabisa vipi chama cha NPD kilivyoghadhabishwa, na natumai kitaadhibiwa katika uchaguzi ujao."

Huku uchaguzi wa mikoa ukitarajiwa kufanyika Jumapili ijayo hapa Ujerumani, wachunguzi wa maswala ya uchaguzi wanaamini kwamba chama cha NPD safari hii hakitaweza kushinda zaidi ya asilimia 5 ya kura. Hii ina maana huenda kisiweze kutuma wajumbe wake katika bunge la mkoa. Na ikiwa ubashiri huo ni kweli, basi chama cha NDP na kampeni yake ya kutaka kuwafukuza wageni hakitakuwa na nafasi katika uchaguzi nchini kote.

Chama cha CDU jimboni Thuringia kimetoa nafasi kwenye tovuti yake katika mtandao wa intaneti ambako watu wanaandika maneno ya kumuunga mkono Zeca Schall na kupuuzilia mbali yanayosemwa na wafuasi wa chama cha NPD.

Mgombea uwaziri mkuu wa jimbo la Thuringia kwa tiketi chama cha Die Linke, Bodo Ramelow, alitaka kumtembelea bwana Zeca Schall ili kumpelekea ujumbe wa kumuunga mkono, lakini chama cha CDU jimboni humo kikakataa. Chama hicho badala yake kimewataka wagombea wa vyama vingine vya kisiasa wasimkaribie Zeca Schall.

August 26, 2009

Hakuna uamuzi kuhusu hatima ya Opel

Majadiliano juu ya hatima ya kampuni ya magari Opel iliyokumbwa na matatizo ya kifedha, yamemalizika bila ya mafanikio.Sasa kuna hofu kuwa hatima ya kampuni hiyo huenda isijulikane mpaka baada ya uchaguzi wa Ujerumani.
Hata hivyo Waziri wa Uchumi wa Ujerumani Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg anaamini kuwa bado upo uwezekano kwa kampuni ya Opel kujitenga na kampuni mama General Motors. Katika mahojiano yake na kituo cha televisheni cha Ujerumani ZDF jana usiku alisema ujumbe uliopokewa kutoka wakuu wa kampuni hiyo ni kwamba General Motors inaendelea kutafuta mwekezaji. Waziri zu Guttenberg akaongezea:
"Kwa upande wetu,serikali imetekeleza jukumu lake na limefanikiwa pia kuboresha masharti, hasa kuhusu mtaji wa wawekezaji - lakini serikali ya Ujerumani haiwezi kuiamulia General Motors."
Majuma ya hivi karibuni General Motors iliyopangwa upya baada ya asilimia 60 ya hisa zake kumilikiwa na serikali ya Marekani, imekuwa ikishauriana na serikali ya Kansela wa Ujerumani Angela Merkel kujaribu kuafikiana kuhusu wawekezaji wawili wanaogombea kuinunua Opel: kampuni ya Kanada, Magna inayotengeneza vipuri vya magari ikiungwa mkono na benki ya Kirusi Sberbank na wa pili ni kampuni ya uwekezaji RHJ International yenye makao yake mjini Brussels Ubeligiji.
Lakini General Motors iliyoepuka chupuchupu kwenda muflisi mapema mwezi wa Julai, sasa inaamini kuwa ina nafasi nzuri ya kuendelea kuwa na usemi katika sekta ya magari kote duniani na haitaki kuipoteza nafasi hiyo. Akibanwa na kizungu mkuti hicho, mjumbe wa General Motors John Smith hiyo jana, alikutana na maafisa wa Ujerumani.
Lakini General Motors au kwa ufupi GM kwanza itapaswa kutafuta fedha za kutosha ili viwanda vya Opel viweze kuendelea kufanya kazi na wataalamu wa kiuchumi wanakumbusha kuwa tangu mwaka 2005,GM imepata hasara ya dola bilioni 90 na mikopo hutolewa kwa makampuni yaliyo imara kifedha.
Kufuatia mkutano wa jana usiku mjini Berlin, serikali ya Ujerumani iliyokuwa ikiiunga mkono Magna,sasa inasemekana kuwa ipo tayari kuizingatia kampuni ya RHJ International. Kampuni hiyo lakini itapaswa kushirikiana na mwekezaji muhimu katika sekta ya viwanda vya magari. Barani Ulaya,kama asilimia 50 ya wafanyakazi 50,000 wa Opel wapo Ujerumani. Hali ya kutatanisha kuhusika na hatima ya Opel imesadif katika wakati ambapo vyama vikuu vya kisiasa nchini Ujerumani vinakabiliwa na mtihani wa uchaguzi wa majimbo mwishoni mwa juma hili na uchaguzi mkuu mwishoni mwa mwezi wa Septemba

August 24, 2009

Jinsi kampuni ya Opel inavyoweza kuathiri pirika pirika za uchaguzi nchini Ujerumani

Kizungumkuti cha kampuni ya magari la Opel,kampeni za uchaguzi mkuu na kumalizika mashindano ya kimataifa ya riadha mjini Berlin ndizo mada zilizochambuliwa zaidi na wahariri wa magazeti ya Ujerumani hii leo.
Tuanze na kisa cha kampuni ya magari ya Opel inayokumbwa na kitisho cha kufilisika.Gazeti la "Bild"-Zeitung la mjini Berlin linaandika:
Katika kadhia ya Opel serikali kuu ilitaka kwa kila hali kuepusha kampuni hiyo ya magari isijitangaze muflis.Makampuni mawili tuu,ile ya Canada,Magna na benki ya Urusi-Sbrebank ndio yaliyokua yakipewa nafasi nzuri ya kuiokoa kampuni hiyo ya Opel .Pendekezo la kampuni ya wawekezaji ya Ubeligiji - RHJ lilipuuzwa.Hivi sasa serikali kuu ya mjini Berlin inakumbwa na kizungumkuti.Kampuni mama ya-General Motors haina pupa na wala haishughulishwi na uchaguzi mkuu utakaoitishwa hivi karibuni nchini Ujerumani.Hata serikali ya Marekani haivutiwi na fikra ya kuiona benki ya serikali ya Urusi ikidhamini hatima ya tawi la Opel mjini Rüsselsheim.Yote hayo yanaweza kuwapatia shida waokozi wa Opel,Merkel na Steinmeier.Kwakua serikali kuu ya muungano inatakiwa ijibu kwa kila hali kabla ya september 27 ijayo General Motors inaweza hadi wakati hupo kupandisha bei itakavyo.Na kwa namna hiyo uhusiano pia pamoja na rais mpya wa Marekani unaweza kufujika bila ya kutaka.Kwa vyovyote vile kadhia ya Opel ni linatupatia funzo la kisiasa linalobainisha kwamba serikali si wajasiri mali bora.
Tunaingia katika kampeni za uchaguzi mkuu ambazo zimepamba moto humu nchini.Gazeti la " Abendzeitung" la mjini Munich linaandika:
"Tukitilia maanani maoni ya umma na ya wadadisi wa kisiasa,basi matokeo ya uchaguzi yanajulikana hata kabla ya wananchi kuteremka vituoni.Baada ya september 27,maoni hayo yanaashiria kuingia madarakani mjini Berlin serikali ya muungano wa rangi nyeusi na manjano .Lakini serikali kama hiyo inataka nini hasa?Kuna wanaoamini kweli kwamba katika enzi hizi za shida, kansela Angela Merkel na mwenye kujipendekeza kwa wananchi Seehofer wataweza kweli kukubaliana kutia njiani mageuzi ya kina kuhusu kodi za mapato? Serikali ya muungano ya Nyeusi na Manjano ikiingia madarakani basi itakua tuu kwasababu wananchi wamechoshwa na serikali ya muungano wa vyama vikuu na hawaiangalii kwa jicho jema serikali ya muungano ya vyama vya mrengo wa shoto vya rangi nyekundu-nyekundu na kijani.

Mji mkuu wa Ujerumani sio tuu umejitembeza ipasavyo,lakini hata wageni wake wameridhika na jinsi maandalizi ya mashindano hayo yalivyokua.Wanariadha kutoka kila pembe ya dunia wamefurahia na kushukuria jinsi mashabiki walivyowapa moyo bila ya kupendelea walipokua wakitimka katika uwanja wa Olympik mjini Berlin.Na wanariadha wa Ujerumani nao jee?Na kwao wao pia ,mashindano haya ya kimataifa yamefana.Sio tuu kwamba picha za televisheni zimeonyeshwa katika zaidi ya nchi 190,bali nchini pia watu wamejionea mashindano hayo.Kati ya watazamaji milioni sita na milioni 10 waliangalia kwa siku mashindano hayo


You never know when Allah (Swt) is going to bless you!! Good things happen when you least expect them to !!!!!!!! Change the number in the subject box when you forward it by adding - One!!! Oh Allah, I thank You for this day. I thank You for my being able to see and to hear this morning.. I'm blessed because You are a forgiving Allah and an understanding Allah. You have done so much for me and You keep on blessing me. Forgive me this day for everything I have Done, said or thought that was not pleasing to you.. I ask now for Your forgiveness. Please keep me safe from all danger and harm. Help me to start this day with a new attitude and plenty of gratitude. Let me make the best of each and every day to clear my mind so that I can hear from You. Please broaden my mind so that I can accept all things. Let me not whine and whimper over things I have no control over. And It's the best response when I'm pushed beyond my limits. Continue to use me to do what You will, Oh Allah. Continue to bless me that I may be a blessing to others.. Keep me strong that I may help the weak... Keep me uplifted that I may have words of encouragement for others. I make duah for those that are lost and can't find their way. I make duah for those that are misjudged and misunderstood. I make duah for those who don't know You. I make duah for those that will delete this without sharing it with others. I make duah for those that don't believe. But I thank You that I believe. I believe that Allah (Swt) changes people and Allah (Swt) changes things. I make duah for all my sisters and brothers. For each and every family member in their households. I make Duah for peace, love and joy in their homes that they are out of debt and all their needs are met. I make duah that every eye that reads this knows there is no problem, circumstance, or situation greater than our Rabb. Every battle is in Your hands for You to fight. I make duah that these words be received into the hearts of every eye that sees it, Insha'Allah (Ameen). If you made this duah,change the number in the subject box before forwarding the message so people can see how many people have done so. May Allah (Swt) bless & protect you, Insha'Allah (Ameen).
Oh Allah, my Rabb ,I love you and your Nabi, Muhammed (Saw)

August 22, 2009



August 21, 2009

Vumbi Dekula Back By Great Public Demand

Vumbi. Back by Public demand
Due to great public demand, Vumbi Dekula and Band will be playing again at Lilla Wien Bar and Restaurant on Friday 21st and Saturday 22nd 2009 from 21.00 hrs (sharp). Vumbi has just released a New CD and fans have demanded that he play numbers on the CD that is increasingly taking the Lingala-Stockholm-African fraternity by storm. Come listen to Vumbi Dekula LIVE at Lilla Wien. Don’t be bored on Friday when you ought to be shaking a leg at Lilla Wien. It is always good to take a break and Vumbi says that he has the evening “packed with action”. You have been told. By the way, the CD will be on sale!!

C U at Swedenborgsgatan!

August 14, 2009


Lilla Wien Bar and Restaurant present's Dekula Band
"Ngoma ya Kilo"
Artist: Sammy Kasule,Kumbi Miguel,Blanchard Boto,Yaya Sella,Christina Frank
Ngugi Ivan...come to enjoy Afro Muziki in Stockholm on Friday and Saturday 14-15 August.
From 21-01 Address:Swedenborgsgatan20
Pendeltåg Södra Station
(Sommar Oyeeee Kula Bia)

August 13, 2009

Authorities go forward all over the country against neo-Nazi

After the attacks on a coloured CDU politician in Thuringia the public prosecutor investigates against the NPD. Also in Cologne and Berlin the criminal proceedings authorities go forward against the rightist extremists. The Federal Court of Justice prohibits a commemorative march for the Hitler's deputy Rudolf Hess in the Bavarian Wunsiedel.
The NPD and other radically right-wing groups move even stronger than up to now in the crosshair of the German security services. The public prosecutor's office of Meiningen has initiated after the NPD attacks on the swarthy CDU electoral assistant Zeca sound inquiries against the Thuringian NPD. The suspicion is checked for incitement of the people, insults and tried constraint, said a speaker of the authority.

Sound in a communication had called the NPD "CDU-rate black" and had requested to the "journey home". The radically right-wing party wants to look for own stating the "direct conversation" with sound and animate him "directly in addition" to begin a new life in his native country Angola. When NPD members appeared on Wednesday in sound place of residence Hildburghausen, they received according to police data place references for the lane in which the electoral assistant lives.
Also in Cologne the public prosecutor's office goes forward against the NPD. She investigates against people responsible of the NPD circle federation because of the suspicion of the incitement of the people. Background is an election campaign call of the Cologne NPD on the Internet., Among the rest, in it one says, one wants to put an end to delinquents with migration background. As a result the Cologne left-wing party had put charge. According to the public prosecutor's office the state protection department of the Cologne police with the other inquiries was instructed.
In Berlin the police at a raid searched eleven flats of supposed leadership cadres of the organisation of the extreme right "front spell 24". Besides, were made sure uniform parts with badge as well as weapons, anaesthetic and advertising means with swastikas how a police speaker reported.

Occasion of the action was the public appearance of eleven men in uniform at the age of from 20 to 46 years and a 39-year-old woman. This is an offence against the meeting law according to which it would not be allowed to demonstrate uniformed, explained the speaker. The a good 2-hour application with 60 officials has taken place in the whole city, with a main focus in the district upper nice pasture in the district of Treptow-Köpenick. There were not arrests.
„Front spell 24“ counts according to the Berlin protection of the constitution to one of the fastest growing neo-Nazi's organisations in Berlin. The group is active since end of 2008. At the end of June she had according to a report about 60 members. Some of them also took part in a NPD rally on the 1st of May in Köpenick. The name "Front spell 24" probably orientates itself of a precursor's organisation founded in 1924 of the paramilitary national-socialist fight organisation "SATURDAY".
The Federal Constitutional Court prevented from neo-Nazi's planned commemorative march for the Hitler's deputy Rudolf Hess in the Bavarian Wunsiedel. The court rejected an express application against from the administrative court Bayreuth confirmed ban of the meeting announced for 22nd of August of right-wing extremists.
Heß is buried in Wunsiedel. Already during the past four years the planned commemorative marches had been prevented in Wunsiedel by courts. Now the Karlsruhe constitutional guardians explained once more, the right-wing radical can be expected to wait for the basic treatment of the ban of the Hess demonstrations in the constitutional-judicial central issue procedure.
In parallel with the Wunsiedel decision the Federal Court of Justice (Federal Supreme Court) lifted a judgment of the district court of Gera against a man who wanted to spread T-shirts with the label of the forbidden organisation of the extreme right „Blood & Honour“. The English translation of a forbidden Nazi slogan is not punishable just like that, decided the Federal Supreme Court. Though it concerns with the label „Blood & Honour“ the translation of the Hitler's youth slogan „blood and honour“ whose use is punishable. If such a slogan is translated, it is not to be classified according to Federal Supreme Court, nevertheless, more than sign of an unconstitutional organisation.

August 10, 2009



Kwa Picha zaidi tembelea www.
Picha kwa hisani ya mwandishi wetu kutoka Essen.

August 05, 2009


For the first time in Essen Germany, there will be a special event East African Khanga Party which will be held on the 8th August 2009 in Bürger treff, nockwinkel 64, 45277 Essen. The Party will include fashion show and African Music from the finest DJ's in town

How to get there

From Essen Hauptbahnhof take Bus Nr.166 (Richtung Hattingen) to Essen Schulte Hinsel-Str.

From Essen Schulte Hinsel- Str. to nockwinkel 64 its only 4 minutes walk


From Essen Hauptbahnhof take S-Bahn 3 (Richtung Hattingen) to Essen Steele Hbf

From Essen Steele Hbf its only 5 Euro with Taxi to nockwinkel 64 (Bürgertreff)

From Essen Hauptbahnhof take S-Bahn 9 (Richtung Wuppertal) to Essen Überruhr

From Essen Überruhr its only 5 minutes walk to Nockwinkel Str. 64

August 04, 2009

Swimming star in disco beats up

The swimming world championship in Rome has been finished with a regular kettledrum "blow". Markus Rogan should have been knocked down in a disco. The Austrian was beaten up supposedly in a bar by four bouncers and had to go in the hospital. The police and public prosecutor's office determine. According to the disco operators Rogan (27) should have danced in the "Shilling" completely drunken with a broken bottle in the hand, writes the Austrian newspaper "Der Standard" with reference to "Il Messaggero". Then for safety reasons the swimming star was put before the door what did not fit this at all. Rogan asked again for entry. Shortly after it should have come to a wild scrap. The Austrian was hit supposedly green and blue and had to go even for a short time in a wheel chair because he could not run on grounds of a foot injury any more. Rogan had to be treated in the Roman private clinic "villa of Stuart" medically where he underwent a computer tomography and also spent the night to Tuesday. The 27-year-old swimmer denies the reproaches of the disco operators and explained that bouncers had him "in a space pulled and quite brutally beaten up". As a result Rogans lawyer had refunded announcement because of physical injury, however, wants to get in contact "with the people responsible of the club for the clarification of the Schadensgutmachung and the possibility of an extrajudicial solution", quotes in the Austrian free newspaper "Heute". Meanwhile, exists after statement of the disco manager Fabio Palini a supervision video which should provide for clarification and prove that Rogan has fallen drunk and became from security forces hinausgeleitet, "Today" reports. The tapes are given to the Italian police which investigates meanwhile in the case. Rogan does not want to express itself on advising his lawyer now first of all any more to the case


Bangkok. In an airplane misfortune on the Thai holiday's island Samui the pilot has died on Tuesday. Ten passengers or crew members were brought with light injuries in the hospital as the authorities informed. Aboard the 2-engined Turboprop machine ATR72 were 68 passengers, two pilots and two flight attendants. The airplane Bangkok airways left after the landing on Ko Samui the rolling road and banged into a controlling tower of the air traffic control. At the time of the misfortune it rained as an airport speaker informed. The machine was begun in Krabi, a holiday's centre in Südthailand. Ko Samui (Ko means island into Thai language) 480 kilometres lie to the south of Bangkok and are liked above all with foreign tourists.

August 03, 2009


Mfanyabishara wa silaha ambaye ni mjerumani mwenye uraia wa Kanada,Karlheinz Schreiber amewasili nchini Ujerumani baada ya kutimuliwa kutoka Kanada.
Rufaa ya mwisho ya Schreiber alishindwa jana mjini Toronto na kuhitimisha mvutano wa kisheria uliyodumu kwa kipindi cha miaka kumi iliyopita.
Waendesha mashtaka wa Ujerumani wanatarajiwa kumfungulia mfanyabishara huyo mashtaka ya ya ukwepaji kodi, wizi na rushwa.
Mtu huyo anachukuliwa kama mhusika mkuu katika kesi inayohusiana na uepelekaji wa fedha kwa siri kwa chama cha kansela wa zamani wa Ujerumani Helmut Kohl cha CDU, fedha ambazo zilitokana na mauzo ya silaha.

August 01, 2009

Saturday Night Live

Germans work a lot - however, have also a lot of vacation

Germans work throughout Europe with longest, however, have also exceptionally a lot of vacation. This arises from a study of the EU endowment for the improvement of the living conditions and terms of employment (EUROFOUND) in Dublin. Then the actual weekly working hours are the highest among 15 old EU countries in Austria and Germany. According to the investigation introduced in Dublin 41.2 hours per week worked full-time employee in the federal republic on an average, in Austria these were even 41.5 hours. Only in five eastern EU countries is worked even longer than in the federal republic. Therefore, front runner is Romania with 41.8 performed working hours per week. The actual weekly working hours lay in Germany with it about 3,5 hours about the rate-by contract agreed ones which is given on an average with 37.6 hours. Nevertheless, the study says nothing about the equaliser of extra hours. The actual weekly working hours in Belgium and France with 38.6 and 38.4 hours were lowest. With on an average 30 paid-up holiday days the Germans lie against it throughout Europe with at the head. Only the Swedes have an even higher right with 33 days. The EU cut lies during 25.2 days. In Cyprus and Estonia the people can be glad even only more than 20-day vacation. The study is based on information of 2008.

Obama smooths waves of the racism debate with beer round

With a beer in the rose garden of the White House US-president Barack Obama has tried to defuse the racism debate around the arrest of a black Harvard professor. He received the university professor Henry Louis temporarily arrested at the middle of July gates and the policemen James Crowley on Thursday to settle a dispute with which also Obama had laid open to critics by an argumentative comment sharp. There has been "amicable and intelligent" discussion, declared Obama after the meeting. "I am persuaded that that what unites us is stronger, than that what separates us." He hopes that all partners from the incident would pull an apprenticeship, declared the US-president who had criticised the arrest of the black Harvard professor gates first as "silly". Nevertheless, he regretted this criticism, in the meantime, and expressed this also in a telephone call with the policeman Crowley. His front door had broken open on the 16th of July because of a defective castle gates. The police alarmed by neighbours arrested him as a result for a short time because of the suspicion on burglary. The professor accused the white officials of racist prejudices. However, the policemen asserted, the professor has "rioted" during her application and has not proved that he is the inhabitant of the house. To calm the debate, gates and Crowley met at invitation Obamas to a common beer round. Unexpectedly vice president Joe Biden also bumped in addition. The White House equipped of the press a short look at four men who talked at a white terrace table in apparently relaxed atmosphere. According to the information Obama drank "Bud Light", Biden an alcohol-free "Buckler". While Crowley enjoyed a beer of his favorite brand "Blue Moon", a beer from Boston drank gates. With the beer summit took care Obama at the end of the first half-year of his term of office around damage limitation. His choice of words with which he had criticised rash the "silly" behaviour of the police had released sharp criticism. Of a survey of the Pew Research according to centre 41 percent of the US citizens Obamas see action in the case critical.

 Wale wajanja wote tunakutana Leverkusen 24.09.22